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When it comes down to it…

It’s funny what people will say when they’re behind a computer screen. Even funnier when they post under a fake alias when in reality, people wouldn’t know who they are anyways. I normally don’t care about people who post dumbass comments on this site because I would probably just delete it and move on. When I read the comment that has caught some steam apparently throughout our circles, I decided to leave it up so people could respond. The comment that we’re discussing today was made by anonymous user “el oh el”…

“Question is, if/when them Cali boys come out to the east, bringing their trailer queens, will they trailer them here too?? Lol sorry boys we drive our cars on the east!”

Hilarious. I don’t know, I kinda built my car as a hobby and for myself, I don’t build it to show how hardcore I am by driving across country, you catch my drift? I mean, if you drive your car, hell more credit to you. We drive our cars too, but we don’t drive them to be hardcore or to show people that we like to drive long distances, that’s fucking absurd. You know what’s hardcore? If you could like, fuck 16 bitches and you could keep your dick hard enough to like nut in each one of their faces…that’s hardcore. If you could jump out of a fucking burning building with a newborn in your hand while you eat a sandwich that doesn’t have the toothpick inbetween it to hold it together…that, is hardcore. Building your cars to drive them long distances? Ehh, it’s not that cool. I mean, if you do that, alright, round of applause, but you’re not gonna win a fuckin medal for it right? The point is this; we’ve all at one point built a Honda or another project car and driven it everywhere. To work, to meet up with friends, to take on trips, etc… we don’t drive our cars everywhere now, because well, we don’t have to. Do you get it? It’s more self-preservation than anything. I think I can speak for all the guys in our group and say that we are at a point in our lives where we have the ability and income to drive other cars, and to preserve our hardwork in garages. I’m guessing whoever the guy who made the comment (who lives in Jersey or the Tri-state area by the way) is a younger cat who is in their late teens to early 20s, got a somewhat okay income, building his first car. “sorry boys we drive our cars on the east”……Uhh…sorry young buck, we don’t drive our cars cross-country because we don’t have to. Now if you think that makes you anymore of a man or a cool guy than us, well fuck, congratulations. We love driving our cars…we also love that fact that we don’t have to sit in them for however many hours with our buttholes clinched worrying about whether a fucking animal or some debris is gonna fly at us and ruin our hardwork. If we make the trek to Import Alliance, you better believe we’re gonna come correct and not bring some damaged shit.

The original plan was to come out to IA just to check it out you know. I’ve become more of a fan of the entire community than the cars itself. I want to be able to say that I’ve been to both coasts and I’ve seen what both have to offer. I could give a fuck less if you drove your car out there or not. Seriously, I don’t give a shit. People act like we’ve never driven together or caravan’d together long distance to attend an event. We’ve done all that. That shit ain’t that fun. If I have the opportunity to transport it out there while my ass sits comfortably on an airplane, why wouldn’t I do that? Bringing the cars was just an added plus. When we originally set out to go, bringing the cars out was the last thing on our minds. When the thought came up to do so, driving out never crossed our minds. Stunna Ben attempted the trip out to Eibach and he hit a fucking deer or some shit half way and his car got fucked up. PG+K guys did it (which I can say was very cool of them to do so) but BonB fucked his motor up when he hit Cali and had to get a last minute repair done the night before Eibach. He also spent a chunk of change to fix it to, which I guess makes him hardcore because he had to spend lots of money he could have used on something else. Many others have done so and run into problems. Why would we possibly risk an occurence like that when we could easily transport out to Nashville? Just doesn’t make sense to do so. Rotten Egg says he’s planning on driving out, I’ve met him, you know what? I don’t really wanna drive across country with the guy. He’s not a bad guy, I’m just saying… Ryan aka Rywire is driving out to Niagara Falls and then to IA, that doesn’t sound fun at all! He drives everywhere so that’s his peragotive.

When it comes down to it, why does it matter how we get our cars out there? Isn’t it more important that we’re taking the time to go out there to experience the community as others out there do? Shit is fucking stupid. Who cares if you drive your cars wherever the hell you’re from. I had more important stuff floating around in my stool in the toilet this afternoon that mattered to me more than that. The people that talk the most about dumb shit like that, often times tend to be the people that matter the least. That’s what I’ve come to realize from internet forums and blogs and what not. They probably have failed to build anything noteworthy as well. That’s why they hide behind fake alias and post anonymously.

James from Wek’Sos said it best on Facebook…

“Thats such BS. We had cars from Kentucky and Canada that came out for wek’fest. None of us cared if they were towed or if they drove. People should just be happy that others are willing to journey so far to attend their events.”

BonB from the east, Chris Sullivan, Sean Bradford, Stunna Ben Howard, etc…have all made it out to the west to experience what’s out here and have nothing but positive things to say. We took them in as our own and showed them everything we could in the short time they were here and they have a better understanding of the entire Honda community because of it. We don’t expect the same treatment, we don’t even expect to be overwhelmingly surprised by what’s out there, but we’re always down to give it a shot. It would be an honor for us to go out there and see what a lot of our friends from out east/midwest have been raving about. It shouldn’t be a discussion of west vs. east. If anything it should unite us all as one and to end all discussion like that.

There are gonna be thousands upon thousands of people there at IA having a blast. Number of people who give a shit whether or not you drove your car or not? Uhhh…ZERO.

Have fun driving to Import Alliance. We’ll see you there, remember to come say what’s up to us too, we wanna hear all about your trip.

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