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Skunk2 Unmeet 1.0 Coverage…Part 1…

Man, what a weekend. So much to do is what seemed like such a short amount of time. This was the first weekend since the back-t0-back Norcal trips and both days were filled with events to attend. First was the Skunk2 Unmeet and then the next day was JCCS. It was also Ryan Basseri aka Rywire’s birthday so we made it a point to make the most out of the weekend and celebrate his life since he came down to Socal to hang out. The night of the Unmeet was filled with its fair share of debauchery so I’ll include some of the pics from that night in part 2 of this two part coverage of the meet…

Anyways, I made it out to Yorba Linda Regional Park around 11:40 or so with May just in time for the hot dogs to start cooking. The meet had started at 10 but it was still relatively uncrowded at the Unmeet…

I parked next to the DPK guys who had already been there for awhile…

Black Pie…

I brought Yum Yum Donuts because it’s always appropriate to bring donuts to a bbq but everyone seemed to be happy to devour them while the hot dogs were still in its final stages of cooking…

Black Pie realized that I was using my 10mm wide angle lens so he crouched over to meet the angle of the shot. This S2000 belongs to Supertwinz James aka OldManJames aka MacGyNguyen. I call him MacGyNguyen because he can literally take any situation and either turn it into a birthday announcement or online debate…

It was also Travis’ birthday too and he looks oddly uncomfortable here because his girlfriend bought him that gigantic watch which made it impossible for him to get a full extension to put his hand his his pocket…His watch was so big that he could tell the future…

Saturday was also 9/11 so Skunk2 brought out this Osama Bin-ata…ahh, get it…that’s both witty and an obvious play on words….

Ryan, SuperTwinz John, Ryan Der, and SuperTwinz James…May is in the background distributing donuts to Carlos and Jared…

“Hey Jared, who do you think is better looking, me or you? – Me…

Speaking of being better looking than Jared, it was a big day for him. Not because he admitted defeat but because he was getting his DPK sticker that day. Jared became the newest member of DPK that day and we all got together for his inauguration ceremony. There were candles lit on black chrome candle holders, salsa music that was chopped and screwed, 8 pigeon calls, and Black Pie even made a speech….

Sheepey gave an awkward smile of approval…

We all clapped and hugged and wiped tears of joy from our eyes and Jared happily accepted his new brothers and prepared to apply his sticker…

DPK regulation states that the sticker must be applied at exactly 62.38621 degrees of angle so it was important that he got it down correctly…

Congrats to DPK*Jared…

After that it was hot dog time…

Sheepey hooked it up with some foot longs and it made eating them both awkward and delicious…

Skunk2 had a small tent area where people could buy shirts and grab free Unmeet stickers…

Mike from PlanB brought out his Evo X on Enkei NT03s…

Un-intended male sensuality in this picture but I was just trying to get a shot of Jared’s S2000…

A clean DC that was there on Volk GTNs….

OldManJames S2K…

Hasport J32 Civic. Can’t wait to see this thing at Super Lap Battle with the Exospeed front-end on it…

Not bad…

Jose Guzman aka JDM Matter’s DC5…

Morgan’s Skunk2-sponsored K-powered CTR…

Carlos aka Mugen Boy’s S2000 CR…

…and his EK with BYS bumper and SE37Ks……

DPK*Henry’s RHD hatchback…

Ryan’s CR-X now back to a B-series swap…

DPK*David decided to switch it up and brought his Mugen front lip back and rolled out on some 15-inch RE30s…

Keith aka KeyChain’s Accord. He came out for a good 30 minutes or so to come say what’s up…

Black Pie again…

It was time to break open the Osama Binata so Big Mike assigned birthday boy Ryan to do the job…

…it only took him a couple of swings before he busted it open and a bunch of candy, stickers, and Skunk2 radiator caps fell out…

Brandon doing his video thing for Skunk2…

PlanB Mike’s Evo X…

Jennie, Ejay, and Bolt Boys Frank hanging out…

Nice Ruckus with some copper-plated goods…

DPK*Jared S2000…


Big Mike MC’ing with the mega phone and Brandon filmed during the push-up competition where the winners won either a Skunk2 radiator cap or t-shirt…

Enrique Rosario doing work. I think he was close to winning it until Rywire came in and did like 78 or something…

Even Pie got involved…he pushed so hard he created a sinkhole and half the spectators at the meet fell in…

That’s about it for today. I got more stuff for you guys tomorrow. Actually with the JCCS stuff and other random pics, there’s gonna be a bunch of content all week…Stay tuned…PEACE…

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