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Ah shit, not this again…

For the most part, things have been pretty good this year and especially within the last couple months, everything has had a very mellow, positive vibe. Of course you will have instances when random bullshit and this would be one of those cases. It seems like only a year ago when we heard about that S2000 being vandalized as a result of a heinous hate crime and this is definitely not as bad as that, but anytime somebody’s car gets fucked with, it’s just a bad situation. I mean, I’ve known and spoken to some people who used to bang too and they would beat other people up and shit before they would go and try to fuck with someone’s car so when shit like this happens, man it just kinda makes you heated. I don’t know all the details on what happened and I don’t even think the owner has really figured it out yet but Art, the owner of the S2000, went to go visit his parents and when he came out early in the am, he found his S2000 vandalized. This isn’t like your run of the mill egging or keying either, shit is pretty rough to look at, especially if you’re a fan of the car. I’ve been quietly keeping an eye on Art’s S2000 for a minute now because I’ve met him on numerous occassions and we have mutual friends and honestly, it’s a nice build that has a lot of potential. He was gonna build up the motor and what not because he’s a big track guy and loves taking his car to time attack events. Well anyways, the pictures speak for themselves. I don’t know what happened and I’m not really going to elaborate on it. I just don’t like to see when people’s cars get fucked with because that shit is just unnecessary. Especially if it’s for no particular reason than to just be an asshole or a fucking hater. This happened sometime last week so I’m sure Art is in the process of trying to figure things out and getting the car repaired and what not but if you don’t see the car for awhile, this is what happened to it…

This is how it looked the last time I saw it, which was at Nisei 2010. It was parked right across from my booth so I had a chance to take a couple shots of it. If you wanna see them, just head back to the Nisei coverage…

…and this is how the car looked when Art went outside that night/early morning. I guess the neighbors heard what was going on so maybe they can provide him with some answers…

Whoever these individuals were, they kicked the shit out of his car…

They didn’t take anything from the car or anything but they did a number on the outside…

They kicked or hit the Voltex wing until the whole top layer of it broke off. There’s another picture on Art’s Facebook page where the top of the wing is literally sitting on the sidewalk…

Footprints all over the side of it from them kicking every panel of the car…

There are a couple more pictures but you guys get the idea….such a shame to have something like this happen. I mean, people say ‘karma is a bitch’ and what not but fuck, seriously that shit ain’t gonna do anything for all the time and shit that is involved in getting this thing repaired. That and you might also get a feeling that the car is tainted now that it’s been fucked with and repaired. I don’t know, I hope Art the best and hope he gets this thing back together ASAP. He’s a cool dude and it’s shitty for something like this to happen…Best of luck to him and I hope this thing comes back better than ever.

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