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Moving progressively…

What up everyone, I’m spending the rest of my day enjoying the NBA Playoffs on TV as well as devoting most of the night to finishing up my write-up and interview for The interview should be a pretty interesting read. I don’t know how the general audience is over there but you guys who follow this site closely already know how I feel about certain things and I’ve made no mistake about voicing my opinion on important topics that are relative to the Honda community. I’ve noticed that there is a pretty broad audience over there on that site and I’ve noticed that there also seems to be quite a bit of ignorance just from reading people’s comments after certain posts. I don’t know if it has to do with the age range being large and mostly younger kids commenting or what, but it’ll be interesting to see what people say once they throw up the interview that I wrote. I’m gonna take it with a grain of salt though and just let those people speak their minds, no matter how crazy or naive it’ll sound…

With that said I just got a couple more things to show you guys today…

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I absolutely love Bert’s STI…he’s one of the latest additions to the Phaze2 family and his STI looks great on the white BBS wheels. When I found out that he and his brother Noel were heading out to the shoot that I was at last week, I was pretty excited because it meant that I could get a couple shots of it for everyone and put them on the site. It’s also a very easy car to shoot as well so it would take me little to no time to snap some shots of it inside the Power Toyota of Cerritos warehouse. Tony needed a couple of cars to show up for the shoot because we needed shots for his 1-year anniversary event flyer and some individuals ended up not being able to make it so the Barnum brothers came through for us. Everything was going smoothly until Bert decided to have the worst day ever. I ended up only getting the photo you see above of Bert’s STI because he managed to somehow curb his wheels at the gas station just moments before he arrived at the shoot. Some of you might be thinking that it’s an easy photoshop fix to remove the curb marks but he hit this concrete island at the gas station so hard that he managed to not only curb his wheels but also took a pretty huge chunk out of the rear wheel. It was pretty bad, I’m not even going to try to sugar coat it. The fucking wheel bent in the back. Shit was horrible. The front was nearly as bad but it was still curbed pretty hard. I didn’t even want to attempt to take a pic of the car because it would be a pain in the ass trying to photoshop the curb marks out. If that wasn’t bad enough, Bert decided to be a cool guy and try to skateboard while I was shooting, using Daizo from ItsJDMYo!!!’s skateboard, and he totally fucking ate it. My eye was on the viewfinder on my camera and I looked up because it sounded like he broke his fucking legs or something, haha. It was not a good day for Bert…at all. And all we have to show for it is this one picture…*sigh*… Great looking car though…hopefully the next time we meet up we can yield some better results…

Another reason why I was at the Power Toyota warehouse was to shoot some pictures of my car for Tony. He’s been wanting to do a little feature on it for his site for awhile now but we just never got around to doing it. It’s one of those things like last week’s post featuring Amy Fay where we wanted to do some posters for future use and Tony thought my car would make a good poster. Who better to shoot my car then, well…myself. I already had all the equipment and I don’t live too far away from Tony so it just worked out. He invited a girl he met recently at Temptation Cafe and wanted to get her to try to do some modeling for the poster. She had never done any sort of “import modeling” before  so we could all tell that she was pretty nervous. I haven’t really had a chance to go through the photos yet but below is a real quick edit of a couple photos and outtakes mashed together into one shot. Overall I think we got some good shots out of the night but we will all have to wait and see until I go through all of them. I’ll also throw up some more information on the ItsJDMYo!!! 1-Year Anniversary event when I found out from Tony. We’ve been talking about the meet a lot and trying to plan things out but now we might have some issues with the location. He’s supposed to be having a meeting with Power Toyota later this week and when I get word of any news, I’ll post it up. He’s already got a bunch of people/companies/models involved so it should be a huge event. Stay tuned…

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