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Waiting List For The Chronicles Volume 1-3 Book Sets…

**UPDATE AS OF FEB. 21 12:25 PM PST**

The Waiting List has definitely grown exponentially to the point where it would be way too troublesome to invoice every single person on it individually. That would mean that I would have to go and create almost 300 invoices and keep track of all of them to make sure they are paid. So, I’ve decided to go ahead and just provide a link to everyone here that is on the list where you can place your orders as you would normally in the storefront. This is a unique link that is separate from the normal store but processing payment and placing an order is the same per usual.

As far as payment timeline goes, I’ll likely have this link available until the first week of March. Originally, I was going to send out the invoices during that time but since I don’t have to make individual invoices anymore and track them, we can get this going sooner than later so everyone who wants a bundle and lock their orders in immediately. Thank you all so much for the interest in these books. It’s a rewarding feeling knowing so many more people want these as time goes on.


Once all the people on the waiting list have made their payments, we can get the printing process going!

**UPDATE AS OF FEB. 18 4:54 PM PST**

Okay, so after some discussions with the publishing company, it looks like I’ll be able to continue to reprint some more copies of all three books now which means the wait list can be re-opened. Target date for the wait-listed bundles to go into production will still be in March. So if you want to reserve a bundle for yourself, please include your contact information. I will begin invoicing people for the bundles in March. So please keep an eye out around that time to see if you received in invoice. If you receive an invoice, that means you are getting a bundle FOR SURE. Please pay those invoices immediately upon receiving them or else your bundle will go to the next person in line. THANK YOU!!

**UPDATE AS OF FEB. 17 9:43 PM PST**
After giving it a few days, it looks like we have plenty of people on the waiting list, which means that I will be printing more copies of each book to create additional bundles. Thank you for adding your name to the list. By the late afternoon, I had to place the order for the Volume 3 books today since I have to get production started on those. Because of this, the cut-off for the bundles was also around that time since I had to give the printer a set number of Volume 3s. Factoring all that in, it looks like we will have over 220 bundles being manufactured. Unfortunately for some of you who added late today, you are passed the 220. I will have extras for sure, because I’m certain some will default on their payment (bummer for me) so please continue to add your name to the list and look for Paypal invoices in your email by March. If you receive an invoice, that means you are getting a bundle FOR SURE. Please pay those invoices immediately upon receiving them or else your bundle will go to the next person in line. THANK YOU!!

Okay, so with the Volume 3 Pre-Orders basically locked and ready to go into production, I’ve been getting quite a bit of requests for people to acquire the entire set (Volume 1, 2, and 3) as a bundle. The original bundle orders went on sale and sold in December but it appears as though many people may have missed out. I did order extras but I can’t guarantee that there will be enough for everyone that needs one.

I would estimate that I will have around 20 sets available after the pre-orders have been fulfilled. Whatever extra I have will likely be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis to make it fair for everyone.

If I get enough people who need them/are interested in more sets, I can potentially order more.  There are no guarantees this will happen, but please fill out this form if you are interested in possibly acquiring a set if they become available.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

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