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Wekfest Weekend…Part 3 1/….okay 4…

Finally….showtime…get ready for some disappointing photography! Haha….

I woke up at around 9 or so and looked at my phone and saw a text message from Mikey. He told me that he and a couple other guys were gonna head down to the venue to set up and asked if I wanted to go. Seeing as how the text message was sent at 8am, I found it impossible to travel back in time while I was half asleep so I just decided to go back to bed and see what happens. With my ability to travel back into the past inhibited by my sleeping, I woke up and realized that I had traveled to the future and it was now 10:15am. So I got up and woke the others and got ready. We checked out and waited outside for Gold Member aka Anthony aka New Kenny to pick us up in the Expedition so we could head back to the venue.

We waited forever for Arnel. The girls were ready before Arnel. Why? I don’t know. And I don’t wanna ask. but we arrived at the venue around 12:30 or so, and that shit was PACKED. Not only was it impossible to find parking, the line also wrapped around the venue.

Luckily all we needed to do was get to the front and get some handstamps and we were good…

This was the scene when I finally got back to where we were set-up. I guess all the internet hype worked and we managed to pull in a pretty consistent crowd throughout the day…

HeyMikeyyyy’s DC of course…

Arnel and his  new bay set-up caught alot of attention…

Sid’s DA and the purple bay….I heard alot of people talking about this car all day…

Salem’s TSX….You can see the guy next to Mikey’s DC trying to no-look catch a can of Pringles in the background….

After awhile I finally found Mikey and he was talking to the man of the hours…ATS Kenneth. Big ups to Ken for organizing everything and keeping everything flowing throughout the day…

…Then someone told me to go check out Brian’s RSX. Apparently he had problems on the way up because of a wiring issue so he had to tow the car the rest of the way up from socal. If he felt the need to go to such lengths to get the car up to Wek’Fest, it must have been worth a look. Needless to say, it came out beautifully. I loved everything about it, besides the fact that I would never own it. I also didn’t get any good pics of it…

This was the best shot I could get. Norman was talking, people were walking around me, my hands are shaking, terrible lighting, etc…

The polished s/c on black chrome looks perfect. So perfect that it took me to a serene place, where unicorns hopped around a grassy field and naked women with big boobies were making large deli sandwiches…

…then I was interrupted by this face…

I don’t recall what he was talking about so I moved on…

…then I ran into this car. I don’t know why….just stop asking me questions. At least everything lines up correctly. Also had a K in it too so the owner clearly had a game plan. I can honestly say it doesn’t look too bad…it just kinda throws you off. It’s like the Sixth Sense, you think you know what you’re watching, and then you look at the end and it Bruce Willis’s you and you’re mind is all fucked up.

This of course was the same J’s Integra that I saw the night before…

Man, I fell in like with this Integra. I’ve never been much of a fan of Evo Brites but this sizing on it looks perfect on this DC. I saw it the night before and I kept going back to it to take a look at it. It’s so simple and flows so well…

See, I told you I went back to look at it again….thumbs-up from me…

You’ll notice that I have an abundance of pics of white cars. That’s because they were the only ones that came out correctly in my photos. This CTR is pretty impressive though….K-swap, ITB’s, I wish I could have heard this thing drive…

Next up is Rywire’s new CR-X. I took pics of it but it came out looking like I was running while the car was driving by me. But I did manage to capture some of the cool features in the bay…

Nice touch with the tucked brake booster. Looks to be a custom mount for the master cylinder…

Tucked radiator?… Notice the custom filler neck by the throttle body. Definitely some great detail involved in this build…

I then ran across the MemoryFab booth and caught a look at the hatchback they had on display that was rockin’ some Chevlon’s. I’ve always wanted to see a set of these wheels on a Honda. I’ve actually brought it up to Mikey plenty of times but that fool just kinda changes the subject when I do…

I guess he’s not a fan….Chevlons are pretty pricey though, but it would be cool if someone had a set and refinished them in a different color or something….I love the stance on this hatch though…

At this point I actually left to go eat lunch with my homie from high school that now lives in Norcal, blah, blah, sushi, blah, talked, I’m sure you’re not interested so back to the pics…

I was stumbling around after lunch and ran into Yee’s EK. The infamous J-Blood bumper and all. It’s cool of him and shows true dedication to our hobby to make the drive all the way from Washington….

I always enjoying seeing cars that are outside the norm of what we consider to be “common”. There are a handful of 1st gen. Integras that are worth mentioning and this is definitely one of them….

Saw this Mugen-themed coupe at the end of the row of PlusOne’s fleet. Very nicely done…

This is 408wdy’s EF….I don’t think he likes me very much cuz I always moderate his Dumpedstar’s thread on NWP…haha…oh well, doesn’t change the fact that it’s a nice drop. Probably the lowest non-bagged car at the event….

This is a nice NSX but I pretty much just took this pic because Loi Song from Sportcar Motion asked me to put more pics of chicks on this site. I didn’t feel like climbing over the hordes of people to take pics of “models” so I snapped this pic of Jenny Chu. Normally I don’t really honor requests but Mr. Loi was telling me about how he went to a club the night before in downtown San Fran and he was hit on by a gay dude. I don’t remember the details but I’m sure it was an interesting encounter. I think it has something to do with Loi’s trendy glasses. Those glasses or so hot right now…

Anyways, here’s a nice turbo hatch that was parked next to the entrance ramp. It was a pretty good spot to be parked in I must admit. It probably had the best lighting out of the whole lot and it was right up front where everyone could see it. The lighting was so good that this pic almost came out not blurry…

I returned to our spot where we were parked and the crowd was still pretty consistent. Mikey was being the “Internet Celebrity” and talking to everyone…

These cool guys were kickin back and just hangin out…

Towards the end of the show, alot of random cars just started taking off before the awards ceremony. Some of these cars actually placed and won awards and weren’t even around to collect them. I guess it didn’t matter that much to them…

Really liked this turbo’d Mugen Integra. In the back you can catch a glimpse of Rywire’s CR-X and Big Limpin and Rywire talking…

N1 Concepts brought out that race S2000 and I think it actually ended up winning an award.  Redzone also had a full race-prepped TSX that also won something….

Here’s my attempt at taking a nice picture. All the other ones were just for practice and this pic is a culmination of all my hard work that weekend….It’s terrible isn’t it…

That’s pretty much all that was left of the useable pics. I wish I could have been able to capture more as well as getting pics of Big Mike’s Prelude with his big ass Honda Tuning and NWP4LIFE stickers as well as most of the other AS1 cars. I just want to say thank you to Norman and the rest of the AS1 crew for representing and rocking the Chronicles stickers.

After that, the battery died and I didn’t get to capture the awards ceremony. My homie with the Laguna Seca Blue IS300 won Best Lexus, Mikey took home Best Integra, Salem’s TSX won 2nd or 3rd place Acura class, and Big Mike won an award in the Best Honda class. Pretty cool for Socal to take a couple awards home from a huge Norcal show. Overall, the show was really good. The turnout was incredible. I heard they had like 8,000 people walk through the gates or something. That’s ridiculous for an event held inside a parking structure but I guess all these years these shows have gained quite the reputation.

Again I apologize for the pics from the actual show. I’ll try to get some of Loi from Sportcar’s images up on here this weekend. He did a better job of taking pics. There were a lot of great cars at Wek’Fest that I didn’t get a chance to capture or when I did, the pic came out as if I was either falling or drunk while taking them.

The whole trip in all was a success. No one had too many major issues making their way up from Socal and we (the PhazexDoods family) were able to officially debut our new name for the 2009 campaign. If you weren’t there, we are now officially known as….

Haha….gotta love it….until next time folks….

If you want more stuff to look at on your boring workday, feel free to check out the Hot Stuff International Myspace page ….

Here’s a koala getting punched….have a good day…

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