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Exclusive Content…Big Mike’s Prelude Build…Part 12…

Make sure you guys scroll down after you read this if you happen to miss the mid-day update yesterday. Alright after much debate and argument, a consensus decision has been made….we will be saving the debut color of the paint until the build is complete. It actually wasn’t even so much of a consensus decision, nor was their really much debate about it. Big Mike and I just both agreed that it would be best to debut the paint when the build is complete….

For me, I came to this decision because I honestly was a bit iffy on the choice of the color. It took a second look at it for me to really “get” the color, you know? I didn’t not like it, but it kinda threw me off. I just feel that if I show you the paint now and if you don’t agree with the choice or like it, you won’t look at the rest of the car the same. Like if you don’t see what you like, it’ll take away from the hardwork that was put into the rest of the car you know? It’s definitely outside the box. I would rather have you guys go through the rest of the build first and then see the paint later, because the paint is probably the least important part of this build. Big Mike is excited about how it came out too and I’m sure he can’t wait to show you guys. He feels that it would just be in his best interest to debut it at Nisei. And I gotta respect that decision. Even if I wanted to show you guys, it would really be his decision and it’s his to make…

If you’re wondering, no, the bay will not be a different color from the rest of the car. It’s just not Big Mike’s style. He loves the creativity with the two-tone bays but it’s just not for him. I believe they were waiting on something else before the bay is painted and the next time you see shots of the car, it should be all complete and in one color….

I really hope you guys take the time to read these captions. I see guys on forums ask Big Mike questions when the answers have been clearly laid out in the commentary that I make. No, that is not primer and the car will not be “battleship grey”, the color has been cut out of the picture.

It’s hard to tell (obviously), but from what I saw, the paint came out great…Just needs another color sand and buff…

Just some of the front end and doors that still need to be painted…

This is only one of the real problems that have presented itself so far. I guess the front bumper was more fucked up than Big Mike initially thought and he was not happy with it. He ended up ordering a brand new bumper from Honda because the current one is garbage to him with all the cracks and what not…

Almost there…

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