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Exclusive Content…Big Mike’s Prelude Build…Part 16 1/2…

Might as well make it a 16 1/2. No major progress and since I already updated earlier today, kinda seems like a shame if you missed the other stuff. Before you view these pics and judge, I just wanna say one thing…Big Mike is the homie. You’ll never find another guy that’s more geniune and compassionate. He just happens to be incredibly meticulous. Some would even say that he’s downright picky. But guess what? It’s his car so he can choose to be as picky as he wants to be. The guy is a perfectionist and it shows. Just dropping all that money on brand new OEM parts should show you that he’s not taking any short-cuts in this build. Hell if you look at the update before this one, you will even see that he had the inside of his fenders painted. Who’s gonna see that, really? With that said, the following pics may lead you to see “man, this dude is picky as hell”. Yeah, he might be, but he wants his shit done right. And if he was building your car for you, he would probably react the same way. I also want to say that if I was the paint guy, I would hate my life and drink myself into oblivion. But that’s just me. Okay that was a joke. But man, Big Mike just isn’t your average dude. He went over the engine bay and used masking tape to point out each and every mistake or flaw that he wanted to be fixed. Are these major mistakes? Ehhh, it can be left to interpretation. I had similar mistakes on mine after paint as I’m sure you all have. It’s just one of those things where you say “Oh, it’s not that bad, no one will ever see it” and move on. Big Mike had the inside of his fenders painted. He had a dolly fabricated so that the chassis could be painted correctly. He hand washed his heater control unit. He eats sandwiches with a side of bread. He’s a very unique guy. The inside of his fenders are painted. That’s the automotive equivalent of like, a human asshole. Only one or two people will see your’s in a lifetime. Hopefully. And only one or two people will have their hands in that area. Hopefully. Big Mike just isn’t a “oh it’s not that bad, no one will see it” kind of guy. In terms of cars I mean, not assholes. On with the pics shall we?….

Here’s the bay during Big Mike’s inspection…

I actually had to look at the higher-resolution version of these pics at full size to be able to spot some of the things he was pointing out but I do see where it would need correction…

You guys see what I’m saying? It’s a very “not that obvious and most would let it go” kind of mistake. But that’s just where Big Mike stands in terms of details…

Moving on…

More OEM parts came in and other parts came off for cleaning before reassembly…

Brand new hood hinges from the dealer…

Hood latch that needs some tlc…

Other assorted parts that need cleaning…

Alternator and Innovating relocation bracket coming off…

Crossmember, suspension, and rack&pinion disassembly… And a big fucking brick.

Hopefully all these paint issues are figured out. Back with more as it comes in…

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