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The video below will change how many of you view the CR-Z and it’s potential to be a build-worthy Honda…It’s 16 seconds of awesome. I know the CR-Z looks like a woman’s shaver and is a bit quirky looking but with some many big companies involved in developing parts for it, the CR-Z market will definitely grow. It’s pretty popular in Japan and it should only be a matter of time before these things make waves stateside…

I would say the video is “pure sex” but I don’t like to use that term because I’ve watched too many adult videos to have any inclination to even know what “pure sex” is… You gotta watch the video though, it’s not sexy in any way but the sound of it is almost like a rhinocerous getting mounted by a mutant giraffe who only eats kimchee quesadillas from the Kogi truck…now imagine Diddy saying…”take that, take that…” with a toothpick in his mouth…yah picture that…


Oh, remember to turn the speakers up…

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