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The Chronicles Vlog #7 (Part 7): The Phaze2 x Autofashion Meet in Osaka…

Part 7 of 8 covers the Phaze2 x Autofasion Night Meeting at the Universal Studios Japan parking lot. We set up this meet prior to our trip to Wekfest to celebrate the thriving automotive car community that exists in Osaka, Japan. The show was open to everyone and for cars of all styles and makes. We went into the event not expecting much but the turnout was just far from anything we could have ever imagined. The entire lot was filled and we ended up with around 1300+ cars at the event. It was incredible. I apologize that the footage isn’t as in-depth as I would have liked but most of the meet was in the dark so it was hard to capture everything. It was one of those moments when I wanted to enjoy what we had put together more so than trying to capture everything possible. With that said, enjoy what we caught and thanks to all those who came out to check out the event.

The Chronicles Vlog #7 is a series of videos documenting my journey back to Japan in preparation for the annual Wekfest Japan event. I was asked to return to Japan a few days earlier than I had originally scheduled to help out the guys over at Tactical Art. They were finishing up some cars and preparing for the event and it was important that I be there early to help. I decided to document the entire thing so that you can see what goes on prior to WFJP as well as after. This is essentially every day life in Japan as we prepared for the big event.

*The beauty of these videos is that they are completely free and you are not forced to watch them. If you do not like what you see, simply close the window and move along with your life. No one is forcing you to watch them. Thanks.

For those who do enjoy them, I appreciate the support.

*I am not a videographer and this wasn’t meant to be a visual masterpiece of any sort. I am merely capturing bits and pieces of my life for you guys to see.

Some of the people that are in this video who have Instagram accounts:

StickyDilJoe (@stickydiljoe)
Dougie Salguero (@phaze2dougie_frezh)
Yasutaka Shimomukai (@phaze2_yasu)
Ryan Der (@ryan.der)
Chuy Navarro (@dpk_chuy)
Fucking Salem (@simplysalem)
Kazuya Kawashima (@phaze2_kazu)
Tomoyuki Sasaki (@phaze2_tomo)
Keisuke Morita (@phaze2_keisuke)

MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR FUTURE VLOGS!! I got plenty of interesting stuff coming for you guys to watch!


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