Some RAW cruising fun in Osaka!!…

Some RAW cruising fun in Osaka!!…

they’ll tell you that every visit is a unique experience. Kanjozoku culture is a staple here, though it may not be the most accepted, and often people ask me how they can experience it. Please don’t ask. I don’t want to put your life in danger or put you in a position that could get you in any trouble. It looks fun but there are so many inherent dangers that come with it. 100% of the time when people ask about it, I try to warn them about it and express that I would rather they not be involved. Just enjoy it from a distance. On this particular night, a few friends had an incredibly rare opportunity to experience it for themselves and we cruised out after a long day of work to make sure everything went smoothly. The guys from NO GOOD wanted to return a favor and offer some hospitality that was shown to them overseas. Don’t try this at home obviously and this is all not real and a simulation okay? Enjoy!…

You never know what you’ll find at a race track in Kansai…

You never know what you’ll find at a race track in Kansai…

After a few weeks in Tokyo, it was time for me to head to Osaka to hang out with Yasu and catch-up on all the happenings over in the Kansai region. There’s always something happening out there but I also enjoy Osaka because it feels like a second-home. Life seems almost normal when I’m out there and I’ve developed a normal routine out there, which is important to me. One of the first big things I had lined-up with Yasu was heading back to Kansai’s famed Central Circuit to check-out the Central Time Attack Challenge, a racing event that has become a regular stop for me during my winter and spring visits to Japan. This one is always a good one because I always find something new and unique to look at and this year’s was no different. I found a Honda I never thought would be a competitive time attack vehicle and also found some visitors that came from the Kanto region to compete with some of the best in this area…

Spoon Sports Type One 2024 Visit…

Spoon Sports Type One 2024 Visit…

I always try to make my way to Type One every time I go back to Japan. In year’s past I’d message Aaron from Spoon Sports USA to see if it was okay if I went over there, worrying we’d get in the way or something. Better to ask than to feel unwelcome, you know? Sometimes Aaron would even be there to show us around. Give us a full tour and show us some stuff the public doesn’t have access to. My friends and I have created some great memories at this place over the past decade. Nowadays I’ll just send a quick message to Jomoto from Spoon to let him know I’m coming by to say ‘hi’, no matter how brief the encounter. It’s one of those things where when you’re in town, you just cruise by to see a friend. It’s crazy to think I can even say that today…

Style in EVERYTHING at Final Bout Japan…

Style in EVERYTHING at Final Bout Japan…

In my ongoing adventures in Japan, I always try to experience new automotive events to expand my horizons. Of course I don’t want to stray too far off the path of things I love so it’s all still very Japanese-tuning specific. When I found out that my friends from Final Bout were hosting an event in Japan around the same time as Tokyo Auto Salon, I knew I had to check it out. Though it may be a driving competition hosted by Americans, the competitors themselves as well as the race track it is on is still very much Japanese. I knew it would be a great opportunity to run into some new JDM builds that I have never seen before. I was stoked to also here that they were going to make this a team-oriented competition as well and that’s one of the features of Final Bout that I have enjoyed in year’s past. Yasu had already flown back home to Osaka to catch-up on work so on this day, I linked up with my friend Cody Chan. He had already made plans to go with some friends and he was able to squeeze me in last minute since i hadn’t ever been to Nikko Circuit before. One thing that stands out about this event is that STYLE is a very important prerequisite. It doesn’t matter how good you can drive, if your car doesn’t look good, what the hell is the point??!

So Much To Do, So Little Time In Tokyo…

So Much To Do, So Little Time In Tokyo…

What a difference a week makes in Japan. I started off my trip on a really chill mood, just walking around the city and exploring new areas I’d never been to. Then a week later all my friends arrived in Tokyo and it was time to get back into work mode! Tokyo Auto Salon was upon us and there were some great new builds to see, but most of the fun was had after hours! There were meets all weekend, including one hosted by Sara Choi and your’s truly. Let’s just say things didn’t go as planned, but hey, that’s just what happens in Japan….

It wouldn’t be a Japan trip without a visit to Spoon Sports Type One…

It wouldn’t be a Japan trip without a visit to Spoon Sports Type One…

I always try to make my way to Type One every time I go back to Japan. In year’s past I’d message Aaron from Spoon Sports USA to see if it was okay if I went over there, worrying we’d get in the way or something. Better to ask than to feel unwelcome, you know? Sometimes Aaron would even be there to show us around. Give us a full tour and show us some stuff the public doesn’t have access to. My friends and I have created some great memories at this place over the past decade. Nowadays I’ll just send a quick message to Daisuke Jomoto from Spoon to let him know I’m coming by to say ‘hi’, no matter how brief the encounter. It’s one of those things where when you’re in town, you just cruise by to see a friend. It’s crazy to think I can even say that today…

It’s That Time Of Year Again!! The Japan Adventure Begins…

It’s That Time Of Year Again!! The Japan Adventure Begins…

Happy new year!! 2024 is off to a great start as I make my way back to Tokyo, Japan on the second day of the new year. Unlike previous years, my trip to Japan comes even earlier as I made plans to see and experience new things before the annual Tokyo Auto Salon event. I spent time with friends, attended a couple of car meets, and went hunting for some rare gems. Then it was time to go check-out the show and see what was new. There’s still so much more to show you guys because I’ll be in Japan for 48 days!…

Dinner in Yokohama with Cody…

Dinner in Yokohama with Cody…

After spending the first few days of the new year exploring Tokyo on my own, I finally decided I needed to be social and met-up with my good friend @zerosync. He spends half of his year here in Japan and has his own car(s) so he said he would take me around. Cody asked me what I wanted to do and I told him I’m pretty much open to anything. He took my words to heart and took me to Costco so he could buy stuff for his place, lol. I mean, I didn’t mind at all. You’d be surprised how often people in Japan take me to Costco. It’s like if you take me to Costco it automatically makes the Japanese Costco somewhat more-American. I’m always there to support my friends so let’s go make a day of it…

The Chronicles Highway Attack ‘Gameplay Footage’ in 4K…

The Chronicles Highway Attack ‘Gameplay Footage’ in 4K…

Well, I figured there would be no better way to put a bow-tie on this fun project than to actually provide you guys with some footage of it in modern-day 4K. This has been such a fun project. After starting it one-day randomly two years ago and then rehashing it all with much more content in late 2023. It all started with the basis of just having fun and being creative, imagining an alternate timeline where The Chronicles would have had a 16-bit racing game on a Super Nintendo console. Obviously there were some liberties taken with how much I could actually make look ’16-bit’ but I think for the most part, it pulls off the feel of an old racing game faithfully. There was a lot of inspiration taken from some of my favorite games like Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Option Tuning Car Battle and some more obscure titles from Japan that I discovered over the years.