Tokyo Auto Salon 2018 Coverage…

Tokyo Auto Salon 2018 Coverage…

Remember that one time I went to Japan for Tokyo Auto Salon and never posted photos of it? Well yeah, I totally do…now, looking back five months later, realizing I just never got around to getting this set up for viewing. Hopefully you guys are enjoying the new, cleaner, layout for your viewing pleasure. I liked the old look but I just felt it was a little too busy and made it hard to find updates and what not. This just looks easier. Whatever the case may be, yes, I completely overlooked this Tokyo Auto Salon coverage. It seems like so long ago now but that period of time was pretty difficult being that I had a lot of things going on in my personal life. I wasn’t even at the office for over a month during that stretch so I’m actually surprised this was the only thing that I forgot about. It all worked out though because I recently updated all my software for photo processing and what not and I found some time to go over the photos again, starting completely from scratch. I wasn’t really happy with how the original set looked after I finished it and that’s probably why it just sort of ended-up on the back burner never to be seen again. With better technology and a way better understanding of how to use it, I was able to retouch these shots and finally get them up….